“On Monday 31st July 2023 I was admitted to PIH. Surgery on Tuesday and was discharged  Friday. Most of the time I was by myself, but the nurses took really good care of me. I didn’t feel alone or anything, they would come by to chat and check my vitals. It was the first time I’d been admitted to a hospital and the first time I’d had major surgery, so it was a good experience to have those nurses around just to be cheerful and caring because at that time it was so difficult. I just want to say thank you to all the nurses that attended to me, they were so kind, and they helped me a lot to keep my mind positive, it was lovely because I was so worried. The care that they gave me at that time was very high quality and from their hearts and I just want to say . Thank you to everyone.
I’d like to leave everyone with this message – get checks early, once you notice any changes in your body, it should be treated as important and get it checked as soon as possible. Sometimes it’s up to us to make a move. Don’t go later because it could be too late”


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